Video on Depth of Field

Video on Depth of Field

Answer the questions below as you view the video on Depth of Field.

           What is Shallow Depth of Field?

2.      What are the three things that control Depth of Field?

3.      What do you need to achieve Shallow Depth of Field?

4.      What Aperture value would you use to shot a photo to achieve Shallow Depth of Field?

5.      How does the photo shot at aperture setting f16 differ from the photo shot at f1.2?

6.      Which of the photos show Shallow Depth of Field?

7.      Which shows Deep Depth of Field?

8.      True or False:    In the Focal Length example, all the photos were shot with an aperture setting of f2.8?

9.      Explain how the photo shot with a 24mm lens looks different than the photo shot with a 200mm lens.

10.  Explain how using different focal length lenses affects Depth of Field.

11.  True or False: When taking a photo, the closer you are to your subject, the shallower your Depth of Field will be.

12.  Explain how you can affect the Depth of Field using the same lens.
